Educational work at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​embraces all the areas of personal development of a young individuality and conforms to the basic principles of the Concept of future doctors and pharmacists’ formation, which presupposes not only professional expertise, but also knowledge of the human soul and heart and the ability to understand another person.

Charity work of the Department of Foreign Languages, 2017

Assistant Professor Tetiana Horpinich with the tutor group before watching the play “Mazepa”at the scene of Ternopil AcademicDrama Theatre, 2015

In their work, teachers proceed from understanding education as a multifaceted and complex process that involves the formation of a system of values. At a higher medical school, these values should include positive ​​attitudes to themselves and other people, as well as the attitude to the profession, society and native state. The goal of educational work at a higher medical school is the formation of a full-fledged citizen of Ukraine, a bearer of universal values ​​and moral standards, and most importantly – a successful noble erudite specialist.

Associate Professor Nataliya Yelahina with the tutor group after the concert of local vocal-instrumental ensembles in the Palace of Culture “Berezil”, 2014

Since the foundation of the department much attention has been paid to the formation of doctor’s individuality. Tutors regularly organize educational workshops and round table discussions in order to discuss current issues and provide educational work.

In order to adapt foreign students to the new linguosocial environment and to harmonize the process of mastering new disciplines, tutors regularly carry out informative and educational workshops, encourage the students to participate in the cultural events of the university.

Associate Professor Halyna Klishch with the tutor group after educational workshop “Patience is the biggest virtue of a doctor”, 2014

In order to bring up a full-fledged personality with a delicate aesthetic taste and to cultivate intellectual and spiritual values, tutors together with the students regularly visit cultural and artistic events of the university and the city, theatres, cinemas, art galleries. Vocational education at the department is provided by means of discussions of issues related to the activities of future professionals during the educational talks and foreign language classes.

To cultivate patriotic feelings, students are regularly involved in patriotic activities at the university and the city, visit museums and exhibitions that highlight the difficult but heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for their independence.

Students regularly visit Ternopil Historical Museum of Political Prisoners, 2012